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Ourworld review

Name: Ourworld

Suggested age: 10+

Made by: Flowplay

Rating: 9/10



-non-paid members can buy anything

-you can buy a membership without spending real money, but you don’t get gems.

-non-paid members can be grouped into members only places

-you can play as a guest, without creating a real account

-the toolbar(s) made by ourworld is safe

-you can have an offical girlfriend/boyfriend

-flow cheats are: test-mode 42 and cryptobiologist they will giv eyou between 5-70 flow, you have to use them daily for them to get up to 70 flow.



-some gem offers are viruses (I suggest you stay away from downloads)

-some people on their are just preverts

-high levels (around40+) will make fun of “noobs” (level 0-20)

-some contest entries in the funny, super funny, and you make me laugh contest are inappropriate for younger kids.


Not sure if this is going to work but I created a mixpod which is like an online iPod or MP3. I am not sure if this is going to work, because I”m not the best at this part.  So I am going to try a couple ways.

<img style=”visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;” border=0 width=0 height=0 src=”*xJmx*PTEzMTk4NDE4MTQxMDcmcHQ9MTMxOTg*MTgzMzI3OSZwPTE4MDMxJmQ9Jmc9MSZvPWI5N2YyZmE4MmIzMjQ4YzU4NjIy/ZTFlNzI2YTdjNDU3.gif” /><embed src=”” quality=”high” wmode=”transparent” flashvars=”mycolor=a33636&mycolor2=53e00d&mycolor3=e320d6&autoplay=false&rand=1&f=4&vol=100&pat=14&grad=true” width=”235″ height=”390″ name=”myflashfetish” salign=”TL” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” pluginspage=”” border=”0″ style=”visibility:visible;width:235px;height:390px;” /><br><a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” title=”Get Music Tracks!” style=”border-style:none;” alt=”Music”></a><a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” title=”Create A Playlist!” style=”border-style:none;” alt=”Playlist”></a><br /><a href=””>Music</a> <a href=””>Playlist</a> at <a href=””></a>

If The above looks funky don’t click it.

NOTICE: Someof the songs has curse words in it, sorry.

Rolling in the deep

and whatever is on thre I can’t remember.

yeah that is the only way so I’m going to post a link and if you guys have suggestions send them to me someway…..

We used to think…. (suggested 12+)

Remember when…a cherry was just another fruit.

Remember when…the number 69 just followed 68

Remember when…wet ment playing in the water

Remember when…you couldn’t stand to touch a boy/girl

Remember when…we thought a condom was just a balloon

Remember when…homerun ment you were good at baseball

Remember when…3rd base was just an base in baseball

Remember when…balls were just a sphere made of rubber

Remember when…peanuts were just a nut

Remember when…we used to think that way

Name: Pixie Hollow

Creator: Disney

safe rate (1-10): 10

age group: 4-9 years

Cost: Free with choice of paid membership

Summary: Pixie Hollow is a safe, yet fun for younger kids. Pixie Hollow is made by Disney. Pixie hollow you become a fairy, or a sparrow man (for boys), and you can meet Tinker bell, and any of her Neverland friends.



-Very safe site

-You know your payment is sercure

-lots of stuff to do (both)



-few items a non-paid member can buy

-The games get boring after a while

-non-paid members has a lot less to be able to do



Hi, and welcome to my blog, I am new at this so baer with me.  My blog is called R@ND0M  S+uff It could have been better but, oh well.


About me:

I am Miss Under, you can call me any of the following:






Miss Under

or something among those guide lines.


About my blog:

I think the name saids it all but, my blog is just about whatever I feel like writing, if I get bored. I have another blog on Knowledgesutra but I am much more confused on there than on here. So most likely I will update this more, but I do enjoy the fourms on that site.